Node | Specific Properties |
Line | handle 2D Shapes properties |
Text | handle 2D Shapes properties |
Polygon | handle 2D Shapes properties |
Polyline | handle 2D Shapes properties |
SVGPath | handle 2D Shapes properties |
Path | handle 2D Shapes properties |
Circle | handle 2D Shapes properties |
Ellipse | handle 2D Shapes properties |
Arc | handle 2D Shapes properties |
Rectangle | handle 2D Shapes properties -fx-arc-width -fx-arc-height |
QuadCurve | handle 2D Shapes properties |
CubicCurve | handle 2D Shapes properties |
Group | - |
Region | handle Region properties |
Control | handle Region properties |
ImageView | -fx-image |
Handled by creating an image from the 3D Shape
- |
SubScene | - |
Property | Limitations |
-fx-opacity | - |
-visibility | - |
Property | Limitations |
-fx-translate-x | - |
-fx-translate-y | - |
-fx-scale-x | - |
-fx-scale-y | - |
-fx-rotate | - |
Property | Limitations |
-fx-region-background | - |
-fx-region-border | - |
-fx-shape | - |
-fx-scale-shape | - |
-fx-background-color | - |
-fx-background-image | - |
-fx-background-position | - |
-fx-background-radius | - |
-fx-border-color | - |
-fx-border-radius | - |
-fx-border-width | - |
-fx-border-style | - |
Property | Limitations |
-fx-stroke-width | - |
-fx-stroke-line-cap | - |
-fx-stroke-line-join | - |
-fx-stroke-miter-limit | - |
-fx-stroke-dash-array | - |
-fx-stroke-dash-offset | - |
-fx-stroke | - |
-fx-font-family | - |
-fx-font-size | - |
-fx-font-style | - |
-fx-font-weight | - |
-fx-font | - |
-fx-text-fill | - |
-fx-fill | - |
Copyright 2016-2018 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the BSD licence