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Supported Nodes and CSS properties

    1  Supported Nodes
    2  Supported properties
       2.1  General properties
       2.2  Transform properties
       2.3  Region properties
       2.4  2D Shapes properties
    3  Notes

This article presents the Nodes and CSS properties supported by the converter.

See cssref for the definition of JavaFX CSS properties.

Supported Nodes

The Nodes supported by the converter are presented in the following table.

Node Specific Properties
Line handle 2D Shapes properties
Text handle 2D Shapes properties
Polygon handle 2D Shapes properties
Polyline handle 2D Shapes properties
SVGPath handle 2D Shapes properties
Path handle 2D Shapes properties
Circle handle 2D Shapes properties
Ellipse handle 2D Shapes properties
Arc handle 2D Shapes properties
Rectangle handle 2D Shapes properties
QuadCurve handle 2D Shapes properties
CubicCurve handle 2D Shapes properties
Group -
Region handle Region properties
Control handle Region properties
ImageView -fx-image
Handled by creating an image from the 3D Shape
SubScene -

Supported properties

Properties specific to a Node are presented in the supported Nodes table.

General properties

The general properties supported by the converter are presented in the following table.
Property Limitations
-fx-opacity -
-visibility -

Transform properties

The transform properties (translation, scale, and rotation) supported by the converter are presented in the following table.

Property Limitations
-fx-translate-x -
-fx-translate-y -
-fx-scale-x -
-fx-scale-y -
-fx-rotate -

Region properties

Region properties are applied on Regions and Controls.

Property Limitations
-fx-region-background -
-fx-region-border -
-fx-shape -
-fx-scale-shape -
-fx-background-color -
-fx-background-image -
-fx-background-position -
-fx-background-radius -
-fx-border-color -
-fx-border-radius -
-fx-border-width -
-fx-border-style -

2D Shapes properties

Shapes properties are applied on 2D Shapes.

Property Limitations
-fx-stroke-width -
-fx-stroke-line-cap -
-fx-stroke-line-join -
-fx-stroke-miter-limit -
-fx-stroke-dash-array -
-fx-stroke-dash-offset -
-fx-stroke -
-fx-font-family -
-fx-font-size -
-fx-font-style -
-fx-font-weight -
-fx-font -
-fx-text-fill -
-fx-fill -


  1. ^ Handled by creating an image from the 3D Shape

Categories: general

Copyright 2016-2018 Herve Girod. All Rights Reserved. Documentation and source under the BSD licence